US election 2

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Election Button

Don’t say I love Mr. Trump for his daughter, Ivanka no no….. Aaaaaah … No no That is why I give my voice to my mom Hilary but Ivanka is adorable, pretty and smart too.

Commenting on Mr. Trump talk about foreign policy, I think he changed a lot about hurting minorities and America interest first is fine. For me I talk about Middle East as interest because I don’t have much knowledge about internal US affair but of course I love and care about Americans; they are the most people who invented for humanity and we wait for more and American girl is the most free, educated and talented all over the world.

But about Iran I like to see foreign policy that recognizes new generation there who is interested of change and peace and in the same time deters its hostile movement that had already caused horrible crimes in Syria. I love Saudi Arabia of course but I try to think in different way instead of going in one way, the old way. And love is my new key to open peace and prosperity door.

President Obama’s humble trip outside US is respected because US has always been respected as a milestone of freedom and justice all over the world and whoever does not give much respect to president Obama. It’s big loss.

So what I see in Mrs Clinton is much more experience, soft power and change in adopting new ideas of new generation who is thirsty, believe me, for the value of modern world with US as perpetual leader.

His talk about changing the theory of chaos into peace is fine. I wish my mom Hilary does the same and about sharing much payment of defense budget for Europe, why not.

About Palestine, Unfortunately neither Mr. Trump nor my mom Hilary talked about the right of Palestinians to live in dignity , This causes much pain in my heart and I love president Obama because he said this first . Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. Aaaaaaaah, listen that is not a good reason to humiliate Palestinians everyday and kill children. I started to think that Israel destroys democracies in the region to stay special. Believe me, we need to change this conflict that causes much harm to our world peace and hurt new generation heart… Always so the new approach heading is love. We can achieve by love what we could not through Israel military.

I look to woman in US as big power of achieving peace world wide because mother is the same, she loves all children on the planet.

About North Korea: poor people and rich military . It seems to me like North Korea can’t forget the war. Whatever they do, there are much stronger countries around and hostile military is self destructive. South Korea is much smarter. They used foreign policy in development, making friends and good economy . They have peace and prosperity key while North don’t. There is no more wars. go and care more about your people. I say this to North Korea and Iran. Please.

We should put much emphasis on democracy as great value that should come through good understanding and development of any society. US should support this.

Regarding Iran, I have question for Mr. Trump: are we able through love to bring old adversaries into table to be friends again, build bridges between cultures and give hope to new generation of youngsters and kill devil dreams or do we need force and wars because they stronger than love? I ask my brothers in Saudi Arabia too. My mom Hilary and president Obama said yes love can do it and the world respect them whenever they go. And I ask Mr trump again: do we have this right to live under democratic regime that we choose or gonna live always under authoritarian and corrupt regime… for ever.?. Is US going to support our dreams of democracy and freedom that we share with new generation of Africa and others?


About Syria, I wanted to see no fly zone or even strong bombing to Bashar forces but I am worry about something worse and more innocent victims and I see concentrated cold fight could target air-fighters on the ground so cold fight is my favorite. Punishing Bashar for his crimes, even by nuclear weapon is urgent.

I always condemn any violence in Palestine and believe me, I love all people and I don’t want to see innocent victims at any side, but the whole world don’t like new settlement being built by Israel  on Palestinian misery and debris and you can trust me about all information come here in my blog. I am honest person  and I am some kind of faithful to good people around the world.

Like I said before, I don’t know exactly what antisemitism means; is it a science or smart way of living and ruling. I need to read more about it. But I trust International community and Americans if they think it’s wrong to be, I am not.

I hear people here saying that Israelis are rich and they take Palestinians’ property and throw them without shelter. I hear them saying that Palestinians are miserable and suffer injustice. So we need peace; we need to feel more about Syrians and Palestinians  and people who suffer injustice everywhere. My incentive at the most things I do is old dream of helping people nothing more, nothing less. I wish I can do something real.

I don’t feel good about my mom Hilary and I wish her good health and her family.

الشعب المصري لم يعد محترما


اذا كنت محترما يجب ان تصمت عندما ترى الفساد 

اذا كنت محترما يجب ان يحكمك عسكري 

اذا كنت محترما فلابد ان يكون ابن القاضي مستشار

اذا كنت محترما يجب ان تتزوج في سن الأربعين

اذا كنت محترما يجب ان تقدر الموظف بشئ من المال

اذا كنت محترما يجب ان تقبل اساءة الشرطة 

اذا كنت محترما يجب ان تصبر وتعمل بلا كلل وباجر زهيد وتبدي الولاء لصاحب العمل وترضى بالقليل

اذا كنت محترما يجب ان ترفع صوتك في البيت وتقسو على زوجتك ولا تساعدها من باب الاحساس كما كان يفعل الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم

اذا كنت محترما فلا يجب ان تعطي الاجير حقه وان لا تعطيه اكثر من حقه 

اذا كنت محترما فلابد ان ترتدي رداءا بالي وبه ثقوب حتى لا تحرج احد حولك


لم يعد الشعب المصري محترما وولت ايام الاحترام لانه يحب الديموقراطية ولانه يريد العدالة ولانه يكره الرشوة والمحسوبية ولانه يحب التنمية ولانه يريد العيش في رفاهية ولانه يريد تحقيق التكنولوجيا والصناعة والتعليم المتقدم ولانه لا يريد ان يرى عسكري في السلطة ولانه لا يريد ان يرى اكوام القمامة ولانه لا يريد ان يرى عسكري في السلطة ” مرة تاني ، بكررها غلاسة، منستش يعني” ولانه لم يعد يصدق حيل الحزب الوطني في تشويه الخصوم ولانه لم يعد يقبل طريقة قادة الجيش الحمقاء في اظهار انفسهم المدافع الوحيد عن الشعب كما كان يفعل عندما كان يترك الشرطة تزيل بضائع الشوارع ثم يعود ليربت على اكتاف اصحابها وعندما كان يخبر الاخوان بخطر الخروج للشارع ويظهر هو في عزاء مهيب في صف الضحايا، لقد اصبح الشعب المصري ينظر للعالم الحر ولا يقبل الحيل الرخيصة من صفار العقول وفاسدين النظام القديم وقادة الجيش الساعين للسلطة . لم يعد الشعب المصري ساذجا

طاقات مهدرة


هناك من يحاول تقييد الناشطين السياسيين والشباب عموما في مصر وحرمانهم من العمل وفي هذه الحال يسعى الشباب لايجاد اي فرصة امل حتى لو في الخارج وهم يحاولون فقط ايجاد فرصة من اجل حياة طبيعية فضلا عن المشاركة السياسية او تحقيق الديموقراطية، وما اخشاه ان مصر تضيع طاقاتها ببراعة هذه الايام  لأن الاستفادة من الطاقات البشرية يعتمد على فهم طريقة التفكير وتحديد الاستفادة المثلى التي قد يقدمها العقل البشري، فقد اظهرت التجارب عبر التاريخ وكذا العلم انك تستطيع عبر الحب والمودة والاخلاق ان تكون قائدا ناجحا يستمع اليه الجميع بينما قد تفسد ما لديك من طاقات قد تصنع المعجزات عن طريق التسلط وفرض الأوامر واهانة الاخرين ، فلا تصدق ان استمعت الى فاسد يتحدث عن ابتزاز الشباب ولكن الشباب يتعرض الى اهانات بالغة في اماكن العمل ومحاولة لاخضاعهم بشتى السبل ويبحث عن حقه في الحياة

وبخصوص الجزيرتين من وجهة نظري ان المطالبة برد الأرض يثير حساسيات وفتن لا داعي لها في العالم. فاليبقى الوضع كما هو عليه ولكل زمن حديث فهناك اراضي متنازع عليها في العالم قد تثير حربا عالمية والأفضل ان نشيع العلاقات الطيبة بين الدول واواصر الود والرحمة عوضا عن اثارة الفتن. فبعد القيام برد الجزيرتين الى المملكة فالنقوم برد جيزان الى اليمن وجزيرة ابو موسى الأشعري الى الامارات والجزر المتنازع عليها الى الصين وحلايب وشلاتين الى السودان ولنزيل بعدها السد العالي لانه اثر سلبا على حصة السودان من مياه النيل والسودان تريد حقوقها التاريخية في مياه   النيل. وما خفي كان اعظم 

Marriage and divorce in Islam


In Islam, marriage is recommended as strong and honest relationship and friendship between man and woman . God says by the tongue of his prophet (peace being upon him) that marriage with little dowry like only metal ring is better and more blessed than fortune.
In Islam, husband should always keep his wife safe and defend her and God described this relationship as mercy and affection.

Our prophet (peace being upon him) used to play with his wife, running together and used to help her in house work. Our prophet ( peace being upon him) defended women and told Muslims to be kind and faithful to them. On the other hand God hates divorce; it’s the failure of this valuable human relationship and strong tie that should always survive and be sustained against life hardship. our prophet said that divorce shakes the God throne.

For God, the worst thing may always happen is divorce. For the devil, it’s the best thing ever and he gives the biggest reward for his sons if they got couple divorced. This divorce we talk about is regular one; where woman can get married again in good and mature society. But nowadays divorce is a shame and failure stamp in Arabic countries that leave woman in jeopardy and chance of marriage goes back into very low percent.

For me, I prefer to lose my life than divorce in regular circumstances. I’ve never done injustice toward anyone and will never do. For me, love is sacred and I never cut this tie whatever kind of human being would be but by very clear proof. My limits in this life are some ethics that I always follow like light in the dark. I never violate these ethics of honor and dignity of human being . 

US election

Commenting on the last democratic debate, I had been focused on talk concerning Libya and Palestine as a main issue of stability in the Middle East.
Mr. Sanders talked about Mrs Clinton being not Really concerned about poor Palestinians in Gaza or Libyan People rather than toppling Gazafi, the enemy of US and supporting Israel, the US perpetual ally. Here I share Angelina Jolie saying, “I wish that she can recover very soon as she is a beloved actress everywhere”, that we should not elect Mrs Clinton because she is just woman. We should be more mature than this. But Mrs Clinton is being concerned about poor Iranians by maintaining the peace deal while Mrs Sanders don’t. So it’s a public trend and again Mrs Clinton can’t be but part of this trend that again goes to adopting new strategy dealing with Palestinian conflict as global threat and maintaining dignity and respect to poor Palestinians. So I believe my mom Hilary about this.
However, I believe Mrs Clinton’s persistent determination in supporting women worldwide and supporting poor people regardless of their religion or race like in Palestine and Iran. And the difference is the public trend that changes the mind direction of officials and public trend in heart has much respect to simple people in Palestine and their right to live in dignity and this, believe me what constitute the respect of world toward US as free leader of the whole world toward US. I always say people of US know better than me who is the best candidate of their own future leadership. And I remind the world that Egyptian youngsters, who died in January, whose words come in my blog always, did that not just for themselves but in a major part as protest against injustice happening in Ghaza and for Palestinian children too. Egyptian youngsters were thinking about freedom and justice of Egypt and Palestinians in the first place. So whoever coming in the oval office of US will get the respect of the whole world if give great interest to people suffering injustice like in Palestine, Africa and whole world supporting our mothers and sisters, women world wide. God bless America.
Mr. Trump
I say again, I love Mr. Trump and he is one of the most figures in the US who loves Americans and does everything to see America great again but as has always been, my love is my defense, I tell him that the minorities you have in US are real treasure so no offense against Muslims or Latinos or Mexican, they are good people. Good figure should get respect always by respecting people, that is the US that I know. United states will get back again as the most great by respecting freedoms, religions and minorities everywhere. I wish that Mr. Trump can change his opinion.
Of course my heart is yours. I will always say this only to American girl and no girl like her, the free mind. I live in a very confused time where I live in different way that I didn’t choose. I know some bad persons want me to look like liar like I had never been but I have dreams still in my heart. This dreams associated with freedom statue of US. I’ll never forget you, my love and I trust you and your mind that trusts me too. My heart is yours. No one can cheat this love or deceive it. It is stronger than everything on this planet. I wish that my love can help me to get rid of these bad tricks and evil that devil does as I always believe of modern values of free world.

إخفاء الفساد


استمعت الى طريقة اخفاء اثرياء العالم لثرواتهم والهروب من الأنظمة الضريبية العادلة والاستحقاقات المالية التي تلزمها بهم بلدانهم علاوة على الفساد واخفاءه عن اعين الجماهير وردي كالآتي

أولاً: ان هناك حكومات تهتم بالنزاهة والشفافية كالولايات المتحدة وبريطانيا وتلاحق عن طريق التكنولوجيا المتقدمة وانظمة المخابرات غسيل الأموال والأرصدة المشبوهة حتى في سويسرا وتلك الأجهزة تمتلك نظام للكشف والملاحقة يشبه السحر فعلى دول العالم التعامل معها وسوف تتعامل بلدان العالم التي تمتلك نظام ديموقراطي بالطبع لأنها تتبع الشعب وليس الأنظمة الفاسدة

ثانيا: انك تستطيع طمئنة رؤوس الأموال النزيهة عبر تبني قوانين صارمة لحماية الملكيات الفردية وتطبيق ضريبة عادلة تخلق بيئة متطورة كفرنسا التي تحصل على ضريبة قوية تساعد الفقراء وتخلق لهم بيئة متطورة. وحالما تستطيع تطبيق قوانين الدول المتقدمة في كل شئ حلاما تسترد رؤوس الاموال وعلى العكس ستجلب استثمارات اكثر وستكون حاضنة امنة لاستثمارات العالم وهي السبب الرئيس لحدوث فائض وتنمية سريعة.

وفي رسالة للفاسدين ان العالم الان اصبح اكثر صرامة في مراقبة الطرق المشبوهة وغسيل الأموال وثرواتكم ستصبح اقل اماناً لو انتقلتم الى بلدان اخرى لأن المجتمع الدولي قوي ويستطيع الوصول وكشف كل طرق الاحتيال والتزوير والفساد



تحدثت الى فرد في العائلة واخبرته عن وعدي بأن اتبنى يتيم ان اصلح اللله حالي فاستعجب من هذا الوعد فقلت هل تعرف كم عدد الايتام السوريين وكم يتالم الطفل اليتيم لفقد والديه فقلت سأريك كيف يشعر اليتيم:

اذكر عندما كنت صغيرا سافر ابي لقضاء العمرة فكنت شديد التعلق به وكنت استيقظ كل يوم واسأل والدتي اين ابي فتقول سافر لقضاء العمرة وكان يومي يمر بطيئا وكاني افتقد الحياة, وبعد طول الايام عاد والدي وكنت نائما واسرعت اليه بفرحة كي اعانقه وارى ماذا احضر لنا لانه كان دائما يحضر معه الكثير وقد احضر تفاح لم ارى مثله في ذلك الوقت واحضر العاب رائعة فقلت له يا ابي كم غبت عنا قال شهر فقلت له لا بل غبت عنا سنة قال بل شهر فقلت اشعر انه سنة فضحك وقال بارك الله فيك ومن صغر سني لم افهم لماذا ضحك لاني كنت اقول ما اشعر به تماما بعفوية وبراءة وقد فهمت بعدها ان تلك العبارة هي عبارة اطراء لدى العشاق فكم يشعر اليتيم لفراق ابيه انها سلسلة من الالام وكدت اذرف الدمع وانا اتحدث بتلك القصة لاني كدت اشعر تماما حينها باحساس اليتيم وهو احساس بالتوق لشئ ما كجزء من الروح او الحياة لا يمكن تعويضه


Of course, work is honor. With every job, you see different people, getting new friends and new experience.

Whatever Job could be, it’s new chance to learn and life is big school. If I get good salary, I’ll never leave work because I am faithful person. But if I have very low salary that is not enough, I look to better chance. Of course application is not guaranteed so I send CV to my best job then I send CV to different one because may be my best job has some routine or hard competition. No one put job ad for nothing. Of course they need and pay for it their ad.

I’ll never does something against my ethics even for money and my proof that I never said any thing bad against Egyptian youngsters whatever harm I could face. That is my way. I love friends and I trust in God.

In Egypt, it’s real slavery. If youngsters work day and night, they never get high or do something real. So I wish if we have good government but through revolution I heard the government and business men of old national party say behind closed doors. ” that is good they cry. We want them to cry more and they  kept laughing” Egyptian Mubarak regime still is evil.

Democracy can get people’s voice strong and make watch guard on those corrupt officials in government. We need honest election and honest regime.

Month of tourism boycott in Egypt could deter police who would cause much bigger harm against our nation, it’s reputation worldwide and economical future.  

Egyptian police should be responsible.  Dying in defending your land is honor, but you should always follow international law and not doing injustice against innocent people. Injustice is very bad monster that ruins everything even good and honest sacrifice.


I agree with Mr. Trump that abortion is not good but not punishing women. Children are good and it’s the government job to tell people the right about number if one or two according to economy, welfare plan and what the nation needs.

For me, I am different. I don’t feel any desire of bringing kids but I have much passion ( Hey, I mean sentiment, kindness. I don’t know how to use passion in English but after reading again in dictionary it seems to me like it is more sexual, ha ha) toward orphans and kids have already come in life. So I wish if I find such woman who accept this. Not in trick or fake marriage that is real abuse but in real love.

About Mr. Trump, I know some people don’t like to agree on anything he says, but I don’t like to slaughter people whom I am different with. Every one has virtues and good man who can get goodness from human being.